New Posts Are a Comin…. – NYC

hand-pulled noodles @ super taste

I have a big project at work these days so I haven’t had time to blog or even sit down to a meal for more than fifteen minutes. As a result, I’ve been eating a lot of Korean ramyun and Chinese lamian (hand-pulled noodles). Tonight I ate Hand-Pulled Noodles with Beef in Hot & Spicy Soup at Super Taste on the way home. It was spicier than usual today, which I don’t mind, but the broth was somewhat less meaty tasting; not as satisfying as usual. Also, they don’t have the little container of snow cabbage on the tables anymore!!! OH GOD, WHY??!!! OK, I think I need some sleep. I’ll have a real post up this weekend.

Super Taste
26N Eldridge St. (nr. Canal St.)
New York, NY 10002

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  1. bionicgrrrl

    All the beef is on top, so not too much. I think I ate all of it except one slice of beef. C’mon, stop pretending you can’t eat a lot. I know you have a BIG appetite.

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